Pics of my Animals

This is my cat and dog, Bachus (the pug) and Murray (the cat).

Here are my two BABs (Build-A-Bears) Monkeys. I love them! The bigger one is Ruth and the smaller one is Bannaners. They are in their Plaid Pj's and Robes for Xmas! Happy Xmas!

These are my "pugs" Bachus is the live one, Puguss is the flat one hehhee, and Dig Ivan Dig is the mini one from Scary Stories.

Here are my hermit crabs. The one in the spotted shell is Mr. Tatoos and the one in the redish shell is Buddy.

Here is a really up-to-date pic of bachy(Bachus)! He is so cute! When my dad said smile he did! (he usually never listens to my dad!)

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